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Interview with S S Rai

Updated: May 15

S.S. Rai

S.S. Rai stands as a luminary figure in the realm of Indian literature, an author whose words echo the profound depths of human experience. Residing in the vibrant heart of Delhi, Rai's life journey has been a tapestry woven with threads of diverse encounters, ranging from the rustic simplicity of rural landscapes to the bustling energy of urban sprawls and the cosmopolitan ethos of metropolitan life. Such a rich tapestry has imprinted upon him a unique perspective, enriching his thoughts and ideas with a nuanced understanding of the human condition.

Educated at prestigious institutions such as the University of Delhi, the Indian Law Institute, and the Indian Institute of Management - Calcutta, Rai's academic pursuits have endowed him with a robust intellectual foundation. Armed with a double master's degree in science and law, he possesses a rare amalgamation of analytical acumen and empathetic insight, enabling him to navigate life's myriad challenges with both pragmatism and compassion.

Central to Rai's ethos is the conviction that life is a celebration to be embraced with open arms, a journey towards higher consciousness and inner fulfillment. Rooted in this belief is his unwavering faith in the transformative power of spirituality in everyday existence. Through his actions and writings, Rai endeavors to inspire individuals to imbue their lives with spiritual resonance, catalyzing positive change on both personal and societal levels.

Among Rai's literary endeavors, his latest opus, "Witnessing The Sacred: Powerful Affirmations For Eternal Happiness And Success," occupies a place of prominence. In this seminal work, Rai delves into the essence of human existence, offering readers a treasure trove of affirmations designed to illuminate the path to enduring happiness and success. Drawing from his own introspective journey and spiritual insights, Rai invites readers to embark on a transformative odyssey, wherein the mundane is imbued with sacred significance, and every moment becomes an opportunity for growth and enlightenment.

Beyond his literary pursuits, Rai nurtures a diverse array of passions, from the voracious consumption of literature to the pleasures of globetrotting. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of life, he finds solace in simple pleasures – lounging on the couch with his favorite cuisine, immersed in the intrigue of spy thriller movies.

However, Rai's engagement with the world extends far beyond the realm of personal indulgence. A fervent advocate for social justice, he is a familiar presence at national and international conferences, lending his voice to the causes of the marginalized and disenfranchised. As a stalwart champion of the people, Rai endeavors to effect positive change in society, embodying the principle that true fulfillment lies in service to others.

In essence, S.S. Rai epitomizes the quintessential Renaissance individual – a polymath whose pursuits span the intellectual, spiritual, and humanitarian spheres. Through his words and actions, he serves as a beacon of inspiration, guiding others towards a life of purpose, meaning, and profound fulfillment.

1. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your new book, "Witnessing The Sacred: Powerful Affirmations For Eternal Happiness And Success"?

>Well! Everyone who loves reading is an avid writer in itself. It is a matter of choice that some can delve deep into themselves in search of hidden authors. The same story applies in my case, but the subject that is the most essential aspect of human life is spirituality, which we encounter every moment in one way or other way.

2. How do your diverse life experiences, from rural to metropolitan settings, influence your thoughts and ideas as reflected in your writing?

>I still believe that India resides in villages, though, from a demographic point of view, you may not agree, but by and large, all the urban populations truly migrated from the villages and small towns containing the seeds of aboriginality. In my book, I have quoted many instances and wisdom I have inherited from my experiences ranging from rural to metropolitan settings. My writing is heavily influenced by the legacy above I’m carrying within myself on my life approach toward various situations based on first-hand experience.

3. Your book delves into profound questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life and the essence of true love. What led you to explore these themes?

>I believe the question surrounding Human Existence is the most intimate and nothing is closer to it for an Individual of average intelligence. The contemplation of human existence is a deeply personal and intimate inquiry, and for an individual of average intelligence, perhaps no subject resonates more profoundly. This question transcends the boundaries of academic or intellectual pursuits, reaching the core of being alive. For an individual of average intelligence, exploring human existence becomes a journey of self-discovery, a quest to comprehend one's place in the vast tapestry of life. It is not merely an abstract inquiry but a deeply felt exploration into the nature of being, purpose, and the essence of existence itself.

Further, I firmly believe that love is the force that binds people with other people and other organisms on this planet. It is something that exists on this Earth for eternity and will continue to till eternity. It’s a true love which makes our life truly blessed and auspicious. True love, as emphasized, bestows blessings and auspiciousness upon our lives. It is not merely a fleeting emotion but a profound and authentic connection that brings meaning and fulfilment. True love, whether expressed in relationships, acts of kindness, or empathy towards all living beings, has the transformative power to elevate the human experience.

4. Could you share some of the key principles or practices from your book that you believe can help individuals achieve eternal happiness and success?

>I believe cultivating gratitude for all aspects of life and fostering a compassionate outlook towards existence can lead an individual into a realm of enduring happiness and success. Complementing gratitude, a compassionate outlook towards existence involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and extending empathy and kindness to oneself and others. Compassion promotes understanding, forgiveness, and a sense of shared humanity. When individuals approach their own experiences and the experiences of those around them with compassion, they contribute to a more harmonious environment. This interconnectedness fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment, essential ingredients for a meaningful and successful life.

The concept of enduring happiness emphasizes a sustainable and deep-seated sense of joy that transcends fleeting circumstances. By weaving gratitude and compassion into the fabric of daily life, individuals find contentment in the present moment and build a foundation for long-term well-being. This enduring happiness is rooted in a positive mindset, resilience in facing challenges, and a genuine connection to the world and the people around them. Furthermore, success, when viewed through the lens of gratitude and compassion, extends beyond conventional measures. It encompasses not only professional achievements but also personal growth, meaningful relationships, and a positive impact on the community. This holistic definition of success aligns with a life rich in purpose and fulfilment.

In conclusion, my belief is grounded in the idea that gratitude and compassion, when consciously embraced, can pave the way for individuals to enter a realm of enduring happiness and a holistic understanding of success. These virtues, woven into the fabric of daily life, can shape individual well-being and contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

5. As someone with a background in science and law, how do you integrate rationality with spirituality in your approach to life and writing?

>Having a background in both Science and Law has provided me with a unique set of tools to critically analyse and deduce life's factual positions and realities in a more rational sense. The essence of my writing on the given subject embodies the traits I inherited through my academic journey. The fusion of scientific inquiry and legal reasoning equips me to approach various topics with a compelling and logical discourse, ensuring that each aspect is systematically explored and justified. The intersection of these disciplines allows me to integrate empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and legal principles, creating a comprehensive framework for understanding and interpreting diverse aspects of life. Each topic covered in my work undergoes a meticulous examination, inference, and justification process, contributing to the overall coherence and credibility of the discourse. It involves carefully dissecting concepts, scrutinizing evidence, and presenting arguments clearly and rationally. This approach not only enhances the quality of my work but also ensures that readers are presented with well-founded perspectives on the subjects discussed.

In summary, the synergy of a scientific and legal background has enriched my ability to examine and interpret the realities of life through a rational lens. My writing serves as a testament to the academic traits I've cultivated, which involve a meticulous and logical approach to exploring various facets of the human experience.

6. You advocate for spirituality in everyday living. How do you believe this can impact individuals and society as a whole?

>The call to cultivate spirituality in everyday life resonates as a vital necessity in our current times, holding the potential to reconcile numerous conflicting interests that individuals and society grapple with. Consider the prevailing global challenges marked by conflicts, often fuelled by differences in beliefs, practices, and identities. By infusing spirituality into our daily interactions, we foster a mindset of spiritual respect toward the diverse beliefs and practices of others. This approach stands as a powerful antidote to many contemporary conflicts, including ethnic clashes, discrimination, and terrorism at large.

Spiritual respect involves recognizing the sacredness inherent in everyone’s beliefs and practices, regardless of their cultural or religious background. It encourages a sense of shared humanity, emphasizing commonalities rather than differences. When individuals approach one another with spiritual respect, the potential for misunderstanding and discord diminishes, paving the way for constructive dialogue and cooperation.

Moreover, cultivating spirituality provides individuals with a framework for inner peace, empathy, and compassion. When embedded in daily life, these qualities create a ripple effect that extends beyond individual interactions to influence societal dynamics. The ability to empathize with others' perspectives and respect their spiritual inclinations becomes a catalyst for building bridges of understanding and acceptance.

Spirituality also offers a moral compass, guiding individuals toward ethical decision-making and compassionate actions. In a world faced with complex challenges, the infusion of spiritual values can serve as a unifying force that transcends narrow interests and promotes the greater good. It encourages individuals to navigate conflicts with patience, forgiveness, and a commitment to shared well-being.

7. How do you incorporate real-life examples and events into your book to connect with readers on a deeper level?

>In my writing, I have taken a holistic approach by incorporating daily life events, from the mundane morning tea ritual to the interactions within the office premises and even extending to the dynamics with subordinates and neighbours. This inclusive perspective seeks to weave spirituality into the fabric of ordinary existence, demonstrating that it is not a separate or isolated aspect but an integral part of our daily routines.

The journey into spirituality, as portrayed in my writing, is not confined to secluded moments of contemplation but is seamlessly integrated into the bustling tapestry of everyday life. By depicting the nuances of our interactions and reactions in various scenarios, I aim to showcase how spirituality can be a guiding force influencing our thoughts, behaviours, and relationships.

Furthermore, I draw upon the wisdom and teachings of revered figures such as Kabir, Gautam Buddha, and Mahatma Gandhi to establish a deeper connection with the reader. By incorporating these insights, I intend to create a resonance that goes beyond the immediate narrative, inviting readers to reflect on the profound lessons imparted by these great personalities. It not only provides a historical and cultural context but also infuses a timeless and universal quality to exploring spirituality. This approach invites readers to consider the enduring relevance of these teachings in the context of their own lives.

By bringing spirituality into the realm of everyday experiences and grounding it in the wisdom of inspirational figures, I aim to make the exploration of spirituality relatable, accessible, and transformative. The narrative unfolds as a journey, not detached from the mundane aspects of life but intricately woven into the very fabric of our existence. In doing so, I aim to inspire readers to embark on their spiritual journey, finding meaning and significance in the seemingly ordinary moments of their lives.

8. Given your passion for reading and writing, how do you balance your creative pursuits with other aspects of your life, such as advocacy work and attending conferences?

>Well! The synergy between reading and writing is unmistakable, forming a symbiotic relationship where each skill enhances and complements the other. In my understanding, one cannot truly enrich one's writing without the ability to read effectively. Fortunately, my profession as a lawyer provides me with a daily opportunity to engage in extensive reading, interpreting complex issues, and presenting crucial matters on larger platforms during conferences and symposiums. In the realm of law, reading is not merely a passive activity but an active and dynamic process of absorbing, analysing, and interpreting legal concepts, cases, and precedents.

The nature of my job inherently demands the ability to interpret and articulate complex issues. Whether crafting legal arguments, presenting cases, or participating in conferences, my proficiency in reading equips me with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of the legal landscape. This, in turn, becomes the fertile ground from which I cultivate my writing skills.

Moreover, the conferences and symposiums offer a valuable platform to share insights, engage with other professionals, and contribute to the broader discourse. This interactive dimension further refines my ability to articulate ideas, enabling me to produce well-informed but also relevant and impactful writing.

9. Can you share a memorable experience or anecdote from your journey as an author that has shaped your perspective on life and spirituality?

>While exploring the theme of 'compassion' in my book, I underwent a significant personal evolution, realizing its profound benefits for refining our personalities to the greatest extent. The central revelation that emerged is that compassion, or the lack thereof, plays a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of our contemporary society.

As I delved into the concept of compassion, I found that its practice goes beyond mere acts of kindness. It involves developing a mindset that embraces empathy, understanding, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. The realization dawned that cultivating compassion can positively transform not only individual lives but also the collective consciousness of our society.

One of the key insights that surfaced is the growing absence of compassion in the present century. Modern life's fast-paced and competitive nature has eroded the foundational values of empathy and understanding. This scarcity of compassion manifests in various forms, from interpersonal conflicts to institutional discord.

The recognition of this lack of compassion as a significant issue of our times became a driving force in my exploration. I became acutely aware of how this deficiency contributes to the myriad conflicts at both personal and institutional levels. Without compassion, relationships suffer, communication breaks down, and understanding becomes elusive, leading to a ripple effect of discord that permeates various facets of society.

In summary, my exploration of compassion in writing became a journey of self-discovery and societal reflection. It illuminated the profound impact of compassion on refining our personas and highlighted its crucial role in addressing the conflicts that characterize our present century. By recognizing and cultivating compassion, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and harmonious world that values empathy, understanding, and collective well-being.

10. What message do you hope readers will take away from "Witnessing The Sacred," and how do you envision it contributing to their personal growth and fulfillment?

>My book delves into some of the most profound questions encompassing human existence. It explores the meaning and purpose of life, the essence of true love, the path to real happiness, the signs of spiritual evolution, and the cultivation of gratitude in everyday life, among others. This book further aims to enlighten readers about the significance of connecting with their spiritual selves through a series of thought-provoking discussions on various topics. The idea is to inspire readers to transcend the physical world's limitations and discover the beauty of a more fulfilling existence, leading to everlasting happiness and success in life.


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