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Interview with Ritu Kakar

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Ritu Kakar

Ritu Kakar was born in Delhi but raised in Mumbai. Married for 25 years now, she lives in Delhi with her loving husband and two exceptional children. She is a homemaker with an innate passion for music, writing and books. It is because of the support, love and encouragement from her family that she was able to pursue her passion for writing at the age of 40.

The sparks in her marriage help her creative juices for new stories. And her now-grown children keep her well uninformed of the world of love, relationships and drama outside her sanctuary.

Ritu's zeal for romance, drama and emotional upheavals can be seen in her books. She is known for living every character she creates, always trying to keep her stories as honest as possible. Even at 44, she still goes all gooey eyed during mushy scenes.

1) When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

> It was a very sudden decision. Had no plans nor thoughts about it.. just one day a para written randomly became a page and a page soon became a story for all to read.

2. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

> That I have many many emotions, incidents, ideas stored somewhere deep within which come out unexpectedly when I am writing a story. Which is why I say that all my stories though fictional have reality facts and truth to them.

3. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

> Wow.. quiet a few. Two complete drafts and around 3 in process

4. How do you select the names of your characters?

> Sometimes just some name I like I use it but there are times when I try to pick a name which suits the character as well as blends with my story, like the name Ekas in my latest book Aks.. Shadows of Life. But mostly it’s a name I like or has some fascination to it for me.

5. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

> Yes and no.. my books on are life and true incidents so people can relate and some will find the secrets of their lives in my stories.

6. Do you Google yourself?

> Oh yessss in the early years I use to quiet often. It was an amazing feeling to see my picture and my books to pop up. Gave me quite a high and boost. But now it's been year's since I googled myself..I will now that u have mentioned it.

7. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

> The same way as I accept and enjoy the positive ones. As an encouragement and learning to improve where it is required.

8. In your childhood, what did you want to do when you grew up?

> My first choice was to be a psychologist and the other was a author. As I couldn't pursue my first love due to personal circumstances time gave me the opportunity to fullfill my second one.


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