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Interview with Pracchi Sachdev

Updated: May 15

Pracchi Sachdev

Pracchi Sachdev, a native of the Millennium city, stands as a fearless writer, unafraid to delve into topics often left unspoken. This passionate storyteller, adept in crafting poetry in both Hindi and English, focuses on narratives that predominantly revolve around women.

Her life's odyssey commenced with a dream — a dream to imbue 'power' into 'empower,' embracing her roles as a woman, mother, and wife. As she witnesses her fantasies transforming into tangible visions, Pracchi walks with her head held high, firmly rooted to the ground with a foundation built on values.

Pracchi Sachdev boasts a remarkable portfolio, with over five best-selling books, three prestigious awards, and a growing chorus of voices joining her cause. Her journey is not merely about personal success; it's about turning dreams into realities, giving them wings to soar. Each piece of her writing contributes to a larger narrative of empowerment, breaking barriers, and fostering change.

In a world that often silences uncomfortable truths, Pracchi fearlessly navigates through the unspoken, using her pen as a weapon to spark conversations. Her dedication to crafting poetry that resonates in both Hindi and English adds a unique layer to her storytelling, reaching diverse audiences and bridging cultural divides.

As a woman, Pracchi Sachdev stands as a beacon of strength and resilience. Her commitment to empowerment extends beyond the pages of her books, seeping into the collective consciousness of those who read her work. She not only articulates her opinions but also embodies the principles she advocates, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and change.

In the tapestry of Pracchi Sachdev's life, each accomplishment is a thread weaving a narrative of courage, determination, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. As she continues on her path, supported by accolades, best-sellers, and a growing community of like-minded voices, Pracchi Sachdev exemplifies the true power of words in shaping a better, more equitable world.

1. What inspired you to become a writer, particularly focusing on women-centric themes in both Hindi and English languages?

>My writing journey started during my school days. I was a reserved and timid girl, who easily fit into an introvert spectrum. My social circle was super limited and I had few real friends. Being bullied in middle school shattered my confidence level. That was the turning point when I started building walls around myself as a defense mechanism. And I realized I didn’t have anyone who could understand what I was feeling or going through. The only respite was books. I was an ardent reader, finding solace in novels, poetry, and music. Reading became an obsession, and it was during this time that my writing journey subtly began to take shape. I started enjoying journaling my thoughts. Writing about my day in my secret diary, and wishing how things could be different if only I dared to change things made me feel powerful, even if for a short while. During this period, I started composing poetry in Hindi and crafting short stories in English. Little did I know that I was laying the foundation for my future as a writer. I owe a significant part of my growth to my English teacher from high school whose appreciation and guidance helped me hone my writing skills.

However, it wasn't until I reached the age of 40 that I gained clarity about my professional path. Although I continued to upskill myself in various forms of writing, it wasn’t until 2015 that I started writing blogs and sharing on a public platform. My work got noticed by readers across the globe, and opportunities for paid projects emerged. Gradually, I realized I was good at writing. With a little hope and faith in my efforts, I published my first book ‘Man Trishna’ - A Collection of Hindi Poems in 2019, followed by two paperbacks in English in the years 2021 and 2022.

My work has consistently revolved around women-centric themes. As a woman myself, I deeply connect with issues that impact a significant portion of the world's female population. I have stories to share - some are drawn from personal experience, while some are from the tales of fellow women’s life journeys. On a wider scale, a lot has been said to uplift women. At the same time, if you look at the root level, many girls and women are still suffering. My goal is to heal, inspire, and transform the lives of women through my writings.

2. Your book, "Hey Girl, Yes You: 33 Pearls of Wisdom for Every Girl," seems to carry a message of empowerment. Can you share the inspiration behind this specific project?

>The inspiration behind my book, "Hey Girl, Yes You: 33 Pearls of Wisdom for Every Girl" runs deep and personal. As a woman who has walked this path myself, I vividly remember those days of curfews, endless lectures about how to dress and behave, and the gradual transition from being a pampered daughter to being labeled as a troubled teen or an angry young woman. The journey of finding my individuality and paving my path wasn’t easy. But as the quote aptly says, “Every challenge, every adversity, contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.” Over the years, I started creating a treasure trove of my experiences in my journals.

However, the real inspiration behind formulating those pieces of wisdom into a book only came through when my daughter was born. Remember that scene from the movie DDLJ where Simran’s mother holds her hand and shares her promise of not letting her daughter fall prey to societal norms? And yet, when the time came to stand up for Simran, she felt helpless and miserable. Knowing that if I didn’t break the old patterns today, my daughter might have to walk the same path someday. And it won’t be fair to her! This thought motivated me to write the book; to see my daughter growing up in a world where she could embrace her unique identity without being constrained by societal expectations and gender stereotypes. I want her to understand that her name, her individuality, matters, and it deserves to be celebrated. It is like a legacy I want to leave for her when I am long gone.

“Hey Girl, Yes You” is like a guidebook for not just my daughter, but every girl who is willing to challenge old ways of societal expectations and create a unique road map for her life navigating challenges.

In essence, this book is a tribute to my daughter and a heartfelt message to all girls and young women: You are unique, and you have the power to decide the life you want. Embrace your individuality and stand tall, for your name holds everything about you.

3. As a fearless writer, you express opinions on topics not openly talked about. How do you choose the themes for your writing, and what drives you to address less-discussed subjects?

>The world is full of people suffering in silence. Call it the writer’s instinct or the empath quality, I have a nag of finding stories where most people miss out looking for one! Selecting themes and topics stems from a combination of personal experiences, observation, deep conversations with others, and a strong drive to shed light on the subjects that are hushed under the carpet or are less discussed. When I encounter a subject that touches me on a personal level or resonates with the experiences of others, it compels me to explore it further through my writing.

4. Having authored more than 5 best-selling books and received 3 awards, how has your writing evolved over the years, and what lessons have you learned from your literary journey?

>As an author, it has been an incredible evolution, from a raw talent to an established creative writer. With over a few best-selling books and three awards to my name, I've witnessed a transformation that spans both my craft and personal growth. My initial projects served as the foundation upon which I built my literary career. Though I earned acknowledgment, yet, this journey has not been without its challenges. I have witnessed rejections, bouts of writer's block, and periods of self-doubt. Every setback has served as a stepping stone to greater heights. I've come to appreciate that perseverance is as crucial as talent in this craft.

Writing is an art, and like any other art form, it requires continuous honing. As I reflect on how my writing has evolved over the years, I have learned some valuable lessons along the way.

It is essential to invest time in refining the craft by upskilling ourselves and experimenting with different topics and genres. As important as it is to find our voice through writing, it is crucial to resonate with the readers at a deeper level. Remember, impactful storytelling leaves a lasting impression. However good your skills are, know that at some point you will have to face rejections. Think of rejections as part of progressing and maturing as a writer. My journey has taught me that writing is not a vocation but a life-long commitment to myself and my readers. Each book, each word, and each reader's response have contributed to my evolution, and I eagerly anticipate the adventures that lie ahead in this literary journey.

5. Your profile mentions a dream to enable the 'power' in 'empower' as a woman, mother, and wife. How does this personal vision influence your storytelling and the messages you convey through your work?

>My vision of enabling the 'power' in 'empower' deeply influences my storytelling and the messages I convey through my work. As a woman, mother, and wife, I have lived and witnessed the roles and challenges that women face in society. These experiences have not only shaped me but have also fueled my desire to encourage and uplift others, especially women.

Through my writing, I aim to bring forth the often unspoken issues that women encounter daily. I want their voices to be heard, and experiences and struggles to be seen, bringing them to the forefront of my narratives. Whether it's addressing topics like gender discrimination, the complexities of motherhood, finding your individuality in a relationship, dealing with a toxic partner, divorce or separation, or chasing one’s dreams amid societal expectations, my stories resonate with women from all walks of life.

As a mother, I am aware of the world my children are growing up in. The thought provokes me to create literature that instills values of equality, empathy, and empowerment in the younger generation. I want to leave a legacy of tales that inspire my children and others to break free from limitations and embrace their true potential.

In essence, my vision serves as a guiding light in my writing and sparks conversations about issues that matter. I believe that literature has the power to bring change and develop understanding. I consider my writings as a small step to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world.

6. In your literary journey, what challenges have you faced, and how do you approach them as opportunities for growth and development?

>In my literary journey, I've encountered a fair share of challenges, as every author does. The biggest is finding the time and discipline to write consistently amidst the demands of daily life. Juggling between motherhood responsibilities and house chores is exhaustive, and makes it difficult to carve out dedicated time for writing.

I am an organized person, who loves a routine and likes to do things at my own pace. Yet there are times when I procrastinate. The habit of overthinking can kill curiosity and creativity. At such times, I give myself pep talks and create deadlines with a reward system. The bait for my favorite coffee flavor ice cream works every time.

Gradually, with multiple projects lined up, I've mastered the art of time management and prioritization, allowing me to make the most of the moments I have to write.

Moreover, I've faced the challenge of addressing sensitive and less-discussed topics in my writing, particularly those related to gender issues, domestic violence, mental health, separation and divorce, and societal taboos. It takes courage to tackle these subjects, but I believe they are essential conversations that need to happen. By confronting these challenges head-on, I've grown as a writer and found my voice advocating for change through literature. Challenges can either be viewed as roadblocks or opportunities. In my literary journey, each obstacle has ultimately strengthened my commitment to using words as a tool to bring change to inspire and empower.

7. Could you share insights into your creative process when crafting poetry in both Hindi and English? Are there specific nuances or challenges when conveying women-centric stories in different languages?

>Crafting poetry in both Hindi and English is indeed a profound and enriching experience for me. Each language brings its unique nuances and challenges when it comes to conveying women-centric stories.

Writing in Hindi allows me to tap into the rich cultural and emotional depth of the language. Hindi poetry has a unique rhythm and metaphoric beauty that resonates with a wide audience. It's like navigating the flow of a river, and I find it incredibly captivating. However, the challenge here lies in maintaining objectivity and not letting my personal opinions or biases influence the storytelling. As a writer, it's crucial to use words responsibly and authentically, especially when delving into traditional themes and cultural aspects that hold significance for many.

On the other hand, when I write in English, I have the opportunity to reach a global readership and explore a broader perspective. English provides a canvas to address universal themes and issues that transcend geographical boundaries. However, the challenge is to strike a balance between cultural authenticity and accessibility. It's essential to convey the essence of women-centric stories in a way that resonates with diverse English-speaking audiences while remaining true to the core message.

Regardless of the language, my creative process always begins with a deep exploration of the chosen theme or subject. I immerse myself in the emotions, experiences, and struggles of women, drawing inspiration from real-life stories, personal experiences, and the experiences of others. Whether in Hindi or English, my goal is to use words as a tool for empowerment, to tell stories that inspire, empower, and uplift women from all walks of life.

8. With a rising amalgamation of voices by your side, how do you envision the impact of your work on the broader conversation around women's empowerment and storytelling?

>I see my work as a small but meaningful contribution on a larger spectrum around women-centric issues. In a world where women's voices are increasingly being recognized and celebrated, I aspire to add my perspective and experiences to the collective story. I believe that stories have the power to inspire change, challenge stereotypes, and foster empathy. I see my work as a bridge between cultures and languages. Writing in both Hindi and English enables me to reach a larger audience and promotes cross-cultural understanding. It means that women's issues and successes are universal, regardless of what language we speak. Through my writing, I envision to impact in terms of sparking conversations, encouraging dialogue, and prompting reflection. When readers engage with my work, whether it's poems, blogs, or stories, I hope they find a connection to their own experiences and are motivated to share their own.

9. Can you offer advice to aspiring writers, especially those who aim to address societal topics that might be considered taboo or less explored?

>I'd be delighted to offer advice to aspiring writers, especially those who want to tackle societal topics that are often considered taboo or less explored.

Find Your Authentic Voice. Your unique perspective is your greatest asset. Don't shy away from expressing your genuine thoughts and emotions. Authenticity resonates with readers.

For taboo topics, thorough research is crucial. Arm yourself with facts and understanding. Knowledge empowers your writing and ensures accuracy. Weave your message into compelling stories. People connect with narratives, and stories make complex issues more relatable. Approach your subjects with empathy. Understand the experiences and emotions of the people you're writing about. Empathy adds depth to your work. Don't be afraid to break the silence on difficult subjects. Sometimes, society needs a gentle nudge to start discussing crucial topics.

Be prepared for criticism or resistance, especially when you challenge societal norms. Stand firm in your convictions but remain open to constructive feedback.

Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow writers or like-minded individuals. Writing about sensitive topics can be emotionally taxing, and having a support system is invaluable. Keep up with current events and evolving social dynamics. The world is constantly changing, and your writing should reflect these shifts.

10. What projects or themes are you currently exploring, and what can readers expect from your future literary endeavors?

>I'm excited to share my latest projects! I've been diligently working on two upcoming books set to be released later this year.

The first book is a self-help guide tailored specifically for teenagers. It delves into the crucial topics of self-worth and self-esteem, which are so essential during the formative years. Drawing from my personal experiences, I've woven in anecdotes that I believe will resonate with young readers. Alongside these stories, I've included practical tips and techniques to empower teenagers to boost their confidence and realize their full potential.

The second book is a collection of mini-tales, each captivating story told in under 100 words. These bite-sized narratives cover a wide range of emotions and themes, providing readers with quick yet impactful literary experiences. Both of these projects are very close to my heart, and I can't wait to share them with my readers.

In addition to my writing activities, I mentor budding writers to become published authors. It's an extremely rewarding experience as a Book Coach to hand-hold aspiring writers on their way to fulfilling their book-writing goals and finding their unique place in the literary world.

Writing, mentoring, and interacting with other authors and readers has been an incredible journey, and I'm looking forward to continuing this path of literary inquisitiveness and empowerment.

I invite readers and aspiring authors alike to stay tuned for my upcoming releases, which I believe will resonate with a wide audience.


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