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Writer's pictureAjiva Talks

Interview with Fatima

Updated: May 29


Fatima is an exceptional individual who dedicates her life to two noble causes: advocating for girls' education and actively participating in animal activism. Her passion and commitment towards these areas make her a true inspiration to many.

As an advocate for girls' education, Fatima firmly believes that education is the key to empowering girls and creating a more equitable society. She recognizes the immense potential and talent that girls possess and understands the barriers they often face in accessing quality education. Fatima works tirelessly to promote awareness about the importance of educating girls and to break down societal and cultural barriers that hinder their progress. She firmly believes that when girls are educated, they can transform their lives, communities, and even the world.

Fatima engages in various activities to champion girls' education. She actively collaborates with local communities, schools, and organizations to create opportunities for girls to receive education. She raises funds to support scholarships, builds schools in underserved areas, and advocates for policies that promote equal access to education for girls. Fatima also holds workshops and awareness campaigns to address the importance of education, highlighting the long-term benefits it brings to girls, their families, and society as a whole.

In addition to her work as an advocate for girls' education, Fatima is also deeply committed to animal activism. She firmly believes in the inherent value of all living beings and strives to create a world where animals are treated with compassion and respect. Fatima actively raises awareness about animal rights, cruelty-free practices, and the importance of conservation.

Fatima engages in various animal activism initiatives. She volunteers at local animal shelters, organizing adoption drives and spreading awareness about responsible pet ownership. Fatima also works with organizations that protect endangered species and their habitats. She campaigns against practices such as animal testing, fur trading, and the mistreatment of animals in various industries. Through her efforts, she seeks to inspire others to embrace a more compassionate lifestyle and to make conscious choices that promote the well-being of animals.

Fatima's dedication to both girls' education and animal activism is truly commendable. She recognizes the interconnectedness between these two causes and understands that by empowering girls and fostering empathy towards animals, we can create a more compassionate and equitable world. Fatima's tireless efforts serve as a shining example for others, inspiring them to join the fight for education and animal rights, and making a lasting impact on the lives of both girls and animals everywhere.

1. Can you tell us about your background and what led you to become an advocate for girls' education and an animal activist?

> My background is related to being an activist for the prevailing problems in our society of the current state of the oppressed women who don't have a voice for themselves and the animals that have their own screams which are rarely heard. I wanted to become an advocate for girls education and an animals right activist because I think every individuals education is very important. If one gets educated they get exposure to many things, you get to learn a lot about everything and once everybody’s educated, they learn so much . They start giving importance to small things in nature and then eventually many humans beings will get their rights . I call myself a girls education advocate , but I actually fight for every individuals education because if the men get educated then eventually the criticism of sending girls to school will end.

2. How do you define the importance of girls' education and what impact does it have on communities and societies?

> If discussed on the topic of women empowerment specifically women education, we can safely say that women and men are equal human being and in no way can any custom or tradition ruin the true value of a human being. Girls education is very important for a counties growth. Organizations like the United Nations woman have proved that if the woman start going to school and get the education even till they turn 15 it can help the country becomes more progressive and there will be a lot of change in the economic growth . when a woman gets educated than the further generations are getting educated. One mostly learns from his or her mother or sister . If they are educated then the whole family is getting that education .

3. In your opinion, what are some of the key barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, and what steps can be taken to address these challenges?

> My opinion for the topic of empowering women and the hurdles reducing educated women in the society, is the patriarchal state and male dominance in the mainstream world including both online and offline.

I think social media plays a very big role specifically because in tv shows you will see that the woman who are educated are very ill mannered and misbehaving, and when men see that , they end up not sending their daughter to school. they will end up having a misconception that if they send their daughters to school they will end up being ill mannered . This is very wrong . Other than this their environments in countries like Pakistan and India are not really safe so parents don’t think of sending their daughters to school . There is a misconception in many countries that after puberty a girl shouldn’t go to school . These are the main factors that stop the girl from going to school. The schools also lack hygiene that’s why the girls are not able to go to school. The government schools are not very well managed.

I think social media can play a big part in helping the girls to get education. We can spread awareness , we can stay positive news and in dramas we can change the misconceptions and we can also speak about it to our friends. One can request their government to start campaigns so that girls can actually go to school and learn . Our government can start funds and they can improve the conditions of the schools and make it more accessible to everyone.

4. As an animal activist, what motivated you to take up this cause, and what specific issues do you focus on within the realm of animal rights and welfare?

> My take and key reason for how I see that animal welfare and safety is important because as a Muslim myself and the country we live our religion teaches us to be respectful to each and every living being on the earth, and if we don't take religious takes on this we can thoughtfully can review the moral wrongs that can enter such actions.

5. How do you see the intersection between girls' education and animal rights? Are there any shared goals or connections between the two causes?

> I think there is a link between girls education and animals rights because when both of them gets their rights it’s because of education, education is something we get from anywhere not necessarily from schools. When we learn , we get to learn about the importance of certain things like the body positivity , genders, nature ; and animals are an important part of nature. They are a living thing , we should take care of animals . So with this basically all of it is linked with education. Education is very important thing and it is the right of every individual as I said before.

6. Can you share some examples of the projects or initiatives you have been involved in to promote girls' education and protect animal rights? What were the outcomes or impact of these efforts? Pls modify this

> I am Fatima Binte Muhammad , I am a girls rights and animal activist . I write small articles for newspapers and Malala fund . My account is about activism for girls education and animals rights but I also fight for the climate change. So far I’ve been doing this campaign with my friends where we refuse to buy these plastic bags of the plastic knives to change the environment . I also have volunteered for animals rescues . Animals are living things and I try my best to support them by generating funds or posting awareness about it on my social media. I also write small articles about them so that they can get more exposure and people learn more about animal safety and then they can act on it. I have also written many articles on medium and LinkedIn .Living in a bustling city, it can sometimes be challenging to engage in multiple projects, but I am determined to raise funds through online platforms. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

7. What strategies or approaches do you employ to raise awareness and advocate for girls' education and animal rights? How do you engage with different stakeholders to create change?

> Animal welfare and safety is one of the most difficult and tedious parts to solve but it is also fairly important, such initiatives can be taken such as building shelters, keeping bowls of good for any respective animals and also encouraging young children to do these deeds. Woman empowerment and education is itself a hard task but it looked upon tactfully and with genuine interest it can be solved. Mostly education institutes have a major part in lowering women empowerment so to cross this we can build girls only schools to make girls feel more comfortable, parades on women's day can be rallied across streets and women empowerment programs can also be built up by a certain organization or a party.

8. What are some of the major accomplishments or milestones you have achieved in your work as an advocate for girls' education and an animal activist?

> I think my best achievement that I’ve ever achieved was writing for Malala fund. Malala fund is a platform which gives exposure to girls from all around the world so when I wrote for them it was basically like the whole world got to know my story. I also was really happy when I saw a tweet from Malala specifically appreciating my effort. However, It took a lot of time to get published almost a time period of two years. I published this article and it’s about how I faced gender discrimination, but it was overall my best achievement.

9. How do you address criticism or resistance from individuals or groups who may not share the same views or priorities as you do in relation to girls' education and animal rights?

> I personally have faced firsthand criticism and gender discrimination by aunties . when I was very young I noticed that because my mother only had two daughters the aunties said that there is no use to send them to school and get them educated because they will end up in the kitchen and will be looking after the house chores. I think the women and men have equal rights so why does our society create Barrier between them by making such statements. my heart aches when these statements come from a woman . I think sometimes these aunties cannot tolerate the new generation of girls because they have the freedom that they did not have back then . That is why they like to criticize and they can still not grow up and come out from the cycle that had started years ago.

10. Looking ahead, what are your future goals and aspirations as an advocate? How do you envision your work evolving in the coming years?

> I think that when I grow up, I open my own academy . I wish to give education to Pakistani students . the access to good quality education is important for a countries growth so I plan to open a big academy where student get a good quality education for free. This is my main goal because I wish to see my country thriving .

11. What advice would you give to someone who is interested in getting involved in advocacy work for girls' education and animal rights?

> I think it is great that we should all start a platform. You can just post once a day on social media , make posts which are very informative and genuine. We all can spread positivity on social media like thar.

It’s not necessarily that you open a page called activism specifically, but you can post once a day. Even sharing others post that were already doing it can help . You can tell your friends about it so they spread this information to others. But we should remember this is an ongoing process . We all can achieve it by putting in more efforts .


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