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Interview with Charmi Vyas Mehta

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Charmi Vyas Mehta

Charmi Vyas Mehta is​ writer of three empowering books "Soulmate ", "Set Your Mind Free ", "The Pregnant Girl ", Love Quotes writer, Motivational Blogs writer, Motivational Quotes writer and Best Dancer. Her qualifications are BA LLB, and MA in Kathak dance. She has secured gold medals all over Gujarat while pursuing her MA and is a Scholar in Law. Writing has been a part of her life since childhood. She loves writing short quotes and motivational essays. Soulmate is her first creation as an author. Her second book is Set Your Mind Free.

Charmi also the founder and CEO of Dance and Donate which is a great initiative where a portion of the fees goes to donation. Through Dance and Donate she helps people learn dance and become fit while also helping the poor and needy.

Charmi has always dreamt of helping people by motivating them and healing their pain by understanding human psychology. This book is written to motivate people at large. She is a strong believer of the law of attraction and karma and is into spiritual reading. She is a versatile dancer. Art is within her soul. She currently runs a dance academy in Vadodara, Gujarat.

1. When did you first realize you should write a book ? > First and fall I realize I want to write a book after marriage. I got married 4 years ago. Before that at childhood I used to write short stories and quotes. But I never thought to publish a book but I always had a story in my mind . After a marriage I came to new city new life with new people everything was like I was adjusting in the new environment. One day I got a dream with a perfect ending to a story that I want to write since years. So I thought let us just do this. On that day itself when dream came. I just had that I want to write it down. I sat for around 4-5 hrs. on the stretch and wrote around 15 Pages. Still I don't think that I want to publish a book. But my friend read it and they said that you should go and publish a book. 2. Can you please give us brief description about your book "THE PREGNANT GIRL". > The Pregnant Girl was my third creation my first two book were "Soulmate" was my first book that was romance friction. "Set Your Mind Free " was my second creation that was inspirational fiction. And my third book was "Pregnant Girl " that basically talk about a girl that was pregnant. Actually it was my own journey It was a non friction book. It was about my entire pregnancy journey. Actually It was such a adventurous journey I will tell you that I pen it down not only to inspire the pregnant women but to the people at large. You know there are too many people who go through many things but don't have courage to speak up. So I found courage let's speak up once people read such book then they get inspire and that they get think that we are not only one who are suffering. It was the journey of suffering, pain, happiness and joyfulness. It was like marry-go-round. In breif it was a journey that take you through adventurous ride. 3. What do you want to say on victim card play of bookstores that they are facing problems because of Amazon and Flipkart monopoly. And on another hand they prefer to keep books of publishers which have monopoly in this market > On this I believe in a quote "Jo bikta hai wahi wo rakhta hai". So you know there are best selling authors whose book get sold very soon people are finding those books. So they will be keeping those book only on their book store and they will be preferring that only. But of course on monopoly of market I would like to say that you know Amazon and Flipkart is very big market. And actually I find it very well that through that market people are getting their books at their doorstep. First they have to go to Bookstores and find out that book but know they can go to Amazon and found out very easily. So I find that very positive. Yes Bookstores facing problem because of it that was negative. But you that every coin has two sides. 4. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have ? > I never keep any book half-finished. I always keep on writing whatever I face whatever I think whatever I feel I just write it down. So there was no any unfinished or unpublished book yes but their are many many unfinished scripts and unpublished. They cannot counted because everyday I write them down. So writing is my daily journal I do it every single day. But yes I will soon start writing a next book that would be unfinished and unpublished until it get published. 5. Which part of your book " THE PREGNANT GIRL " is your personal favorite ? > For an author every book is special. For me also " The Pregnant Girl " is very special because it is my own journey. So every of it is my favorite. But yeah if I say most favorite part is the last portion where I had jotted down the all the quotes from different books. I mean see if I tell you in detail the book was written in month wise like this happens in 1st month this in 2nd month all the 9 months. But at the end I had jotted down the all quotes that I read through out my pregnancy. Through my pregnancy I read many books. One of the most important was Bhagwat. So whatever I learned through out my journey I was writen that point wise. Which will be not only helpful to pregnant girl but to people at large. This book is not only for pregnant ladies despite of them anyone can read it. 6. What is your family reaction on your book? > My family reaction was " Arey tu book likh rahi hai apni journey pe kya bat hai ". Once they read it down they were almost in tears. They were like "oh my dear " . Because every girl go through different kinds of mental muddle to be more precise. Specially during period when you have so many mood swings you have so many things to go through physical, mentally, psychologically. Even you are anxious about your future how will be your life go with a baby and everything. So it is difficult entire journey is not easy but you have to made it easy and smooth. You have to to be positive because your baby is consuming it all. So when my family members and friends read it they were just like wow. They have no other words to say. 7. What is your opinion on increasing of depression and suicidal rate among teenagers. And who is responsible and how can we tackle it. > Depression and suicidal rate was not only increasing among the teenagers but among every group of people. Because it is in the environment like after corona especially many of them lost their jobs lots of them lost their family members. There was different type of anxiety what is going to happen in future. I was just I'm no one to give my opinion on it but I just want to say that "Be in the Moment" that's it because that is only what you have. If you are in the present moment enjoying your present moment even you are in your worst moment. But you are still in the present moment you are not in your past or future so with that you get courage to face every moment that comes. You know you are ready to go with the flow. So to every teenagers and to every person who is going to read this article I just want to say this thing that be in the moment that is what you have you don't have anything else. So why are you so much concern about the future that you don't know and why are you logging to your past that is already gone and that is not going to change. So you should be in your present because if you make your present better place to live then your future is going to be better you are going to attract good things good situation. And past is on so take the lesson learn from them but don't hold on thing that has made you depressed or broken your heart. Because you don't deserve to be depresses you deserve to be happy. So just be there be in the moment that it. You know that is how you tackle it by facing every moment be courageous and willing to face life as it comes.


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