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Interview with Anandita Sharma

Updated: May 13

Anandita Sharma

Anandita Sharma is a captivating voice in the literary world, weaving tales that delve into the depths of human existence. Born in the vibrant city of Indore, India, and nurtured amidst the cosmopolitan allure of Dubai, UAE, her upbringing reflects a fusion of cultures and experiences that infuse her work with richness and depth.

With a penchant for exploring the intricacies of life, Anandita's writing often revolves around profound questions of identity, purpose, and fulfillment. Her debut work, "What's the Gist of Life," serves as a guiding light for those grappling with existential queries – Who am I? Where do I belong? When do I feel fulfilled? Through introspective prose and soul-stirring poetry, she invites readers on a journey of self-discovery, urging them to unearth their innermost desires and talents.

Anandita's literary palette is as diverse as her interests. While she finds solace in the pages of murder mysteries, her heart finds expression in the rhythm of poetry. Her love for food and nature shines through her writing, infusing it with sensory detail and vibrant imagery. As a fervent advocate for cross-cultural experiences, she blends elements from various traditions and landscapes, creating a tapestry of narratives that celebrate diversity and unity.

Beyond the realm of literature, Anandita wears many hats – each one a testament to her multifaceted creativity. As a travel blogger, she traverses the globe, chronicling her adventures and encounters with different cultures. Her keen eye for beauty translates seamlessly into her photography, capturing fleeting moments of wonder and awe. Whether crafting compelling copy or strategizing social media campaigns, she brings her unique perspective and storytelling prowess to every endeavor.

In the realm of podcasting, Anandita's voice resonates with warmth and authenticity, inviting listeners into conversations that explore the nuances of life and human experience. Through her diverse array of talents, she seeks to inspire others to harness their gifts and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.

For Anandita, life is akin to a grand adventure – a game without a blueprint, where every choice shapes the narrative. With "What's the Gist of Life," she offers readers a roadmap for navigating this intricate journey, encouraging them to embrace their inner magic and forge their path amidst the diverging roads of existence. In her world, life is not merely lived – it is savored, celebrated, and shared with boundless enthusiasm.

1. Can you tell us about your journey as a writer and what inspired you to write "What's the Gist of Life"?

>My book is kind of like a self-help anthology. Now, usually, when people hear “anthology,” they think of a bunch of poets pouring their hearts out. But really, an anthology is just a compilation of various pieces, and in my case, it’s all about life lessons. I’ve been deep into meditation since 2019, and in 2021, I took this month-long Vipassana meditation course that totally rocked my world.

There's no talking there, (if needed) only writing, top-notch food, and you’re responsible for your own dishwashing and laundry. Oh, and you meditate like there’s no tomorrow. It’s this beautiful, transformative experience that changed my life. After the course, my imagination and words found a whole new groove in the world, and that’s when I birthed my first-ever book. It’s got 20 poems that encapsulate the 20 nuggets of wisdom I picked up along my meditation journey. It’s been quite a ride, honestly. 

2. Your book delves into existential questions such as "Who am I?" and "Where do I belong?" How do you personally navigate these questions, and how did that influence the content of your book?

>The primary message I aim to convey through these questions is introspection, mindfulness, and the transformative power of personal growth. Drawing from my experiences, particularly my journey into meditation, I want to inspire readers to explore their inner selves, embrace life’s lessons, and find meaning in their unique experiences.

The gists of life that I share in my poems are meant to serve as guiding lights, encouraging readers to reflect on their own journeys, appreciate the present moment, and navigate the complexities of life with resilience and awareness. I hope to foster a sense of connection and understanding, reminding people that they’re not alone in their struggles and that there’s beauty in the shared human experience.

Ultimately, my goal is to contribute positively to the lives of my readers, offering insights that resonate and inspire a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.

3. Your book aims to help readers explore their thoughts and dive deep into their souls. Could you share some insights into the techniques or practices you employ to facilitate this introspection through your writing?

>So here’s something that I follow:

Stay Mindful and Observe:

Cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Pay attention to the details around you—the sights, sounds, and emotions. Taking note of these subtleties can enrich your writing with vivid descriptions and authentic emotions.

Draw Inspiration from Everyday Life:

Your daily experiences are a goldmine for creative inspiration. Whether it’s a conversation with a friend, a walk in the park, or a moment of introspection, draw from these real-life encounters to infuse authenticity into your writing.

Keep a Writing Journal Handy:

Carry a small notebook or use a note-taking app to capture spontaneous thoughts and observations. These snippets from everyday life can serve as seeds for future stories, poems, or reflections.

Reflect on Your Emotions:

Writing is a powerful tool for self-reflection. During moments of joy, sadness, or contemplation, jot down your feelings and thoughts. This practice not only serves as a therapeutic outlet but also enhances your ability to express emotions in your writing.

Explore Different Perspectives:

Stay open to different viewpoints and perspectives in your interactions. It broadens your understanding of human experiences and can add depth to the characters and themes in your writing.

Use Everyday Language:

While crafting your writing, embrace the language of everyday conversations. It helps create relatable content and makes your work accessible to a broader audience.

Mindful Writing Sessions:

Before you begin a writing session, take a moment to center yourself. Practice a brief mindfulness exercise to clear your mind and focus your attention. This can enhance your creativity and bring a sense of clarity to your writing.

Connect with Your Senses:

Engage your senses when describing scenes or emotions. Whether it’s the scent of rain, the warmth of sunlight, or the taste of a favorite dish, sensory details bring richness to your writing.

By staying mindful and drawing inspiration from your daily life, you infuse your writing with authenticity, relatability, and a unique perspective. Embrace the beauty in the ordinary, and let it fuel the extraordinary in your writing.

4. You describe yourself as a bibliophile with a love for murder-mystery novels and poetry. How have these literary influences impacted your own writing style and the themes you explore in your work?

>My writing journey is like one of those unexpected plot twists you find in a good thriller. I'm not your typical writer who grew up with a pen in hand, dreaming of publishing bestsellers.

Back in college, I was just your average Joe, cruising through life without a single thought about becoming a poet or author. Then, out of the blue, I stumbled upon meditation. It was like finding a hidden treasure chest in the attic of my mind. Suddenly, words started pouring out of me like there was no tomorrow.

Meditation opened up this whole new world of experiences and insights, and I couldn't help but jot them all down. It was like my brain was in turbo mode, churning out ideas faster than I could keep up. And that's when the light bulb moment hit me: why not share these nuggets of wisdom with the world?

So, armed with my newfound passion for meditation and a trusty pen, I started crafting poems that reflected my journey, my learnings, my quirks—everything that makes me, well, me. And let me tell you, it was liberating.

Now, about my favourite thrillers, sci-fi and fantasy novels? Oh, they're like the spice in my writing stew. Sure, I love getting lost in a good whodunit but they have never directly inspired my work. Nope, my muse came in the form of meditation and the crazy rollercoaster we call life.

But hey, who knows? Maybe one day I'll pen down a murder mystery with a twist of poetry. Now wouldn't that be something?

5. In addition to writing, you're also involved in travel blogging, photography, copywriting, and social media marketing. How do these diverse roles intersect with your identity as a writer, and do they inform the content or promotion of your book?

>You know how they say life imitates art? Well, in my case, it's more like life inspires art and boy, does it make for one heck of a creative cocktail!

I'm out there, jet-setting across the globe, soaking in the sights, sounds, and flavours of different cultures. Whether I'm munching on street food in Delhi, hiking through the lush rainforests of Gujarat, or simply basking in the tranquillity of a serene beach in Goa, every experience adds a new flavour to my writing stew.

As I click away, capturing the beauty of the world through my lens, I'm not just freezing moments in time—I'm painting visual pictures that complement my written words. Whether it's a breathtaking sunset over Nahargarh Fort or the intricate details of Mumbai's cityscape, my photographs serve as windows into the soul of my writing.

And my foray into copywriting is like the cherry on top of the creativity cake. As I hone my skills in crafting compelling content and connecting with audiences online, I'm constantly learning new ways to promote my book and engage with readers in the digital realm.

So, you see, my diverse roles aren't just separate chapters in the book of my life—they're interconnected threads that weave together to create a rich tapestry of experiences, each one shaping and informing my identity as a writer. And let me tell you, it's one wild ride that I wouldn't trade for the world. 

6. As a writer, poet, and podcaster, you engage with various forms of expression. How do you balance these different mediums, and do you find that they inform or complement each other in your creative process?

>I'm not one to stick to a rigid schedule when it comes to juggling writing, podcasting, photography, and all the other hats I wear. Nah, I'm more of a go-with-the-flow kinda person. When the mood strikes, I dive headfirst into editing those podcast episodes, capturing breathtaking moments through my lens, or jetting off to some far-flung corner of the country.

But here's the kicker—each of these activities isn't just a way to kill time or check off boxes on my to-do list. Nope, they're my trusty sidekicks in the battle against burnout.

Take photography, for example. There's something magical about framing the perfect shot, losing myself in the beauty of the world through my viewfinder. And when I'm knee-deep in editing those podcast audio clips, it's like I'm sculpting raw soundwaves into something truly special.

And let's not forget about travel and food—the ultimate stress relievers in my book. Whether I'm exploring a new city or indulging in exotic cuisines, each adventure is like a mini vacation for my soul, a chance to recharge and reset.

Sure, I may not manage these mediums with military precision, but hey, who needs a strict schedule when you've got passion and purpose driving you forward? So, yeah, I may not do them regularly, but I always make sure I'm connected to them—because at the end of the day, they're not just hobbies, they're a lifeline. 


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