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Interview with Aditi Gupta

Updated: May 19

Aditi Gupta

Aditi Gupta, the talented author behind "Mom Says You Need To Be Strong!: A Collection Of Short Stories Depicting Family Life," is a multifaceted individual who seamlessly weaves the threads of her diverse experiences into the rich tapestry of her storytelling. This captivating collection of short stories is a poignant exploration of the intricate layers of family life, capturing the essence of womanhood from the innocence of a newborn girl to the wisdom of a grandmother's final days.

A mother, homemaker, healthcare entrepreneur, and writer, Aditi wears many hats, each contributing to the depth and authenticity of her narratives. Born out of her personal journey, the stories in her book traverse through the raw and intense emotions that accompany every stage of a woman's life. From the tender moments of joy surrounding the birth of a baby girl to the heartbreaking tragedies, the highs of happy times, and the chaotic episodes that define family life, Aditi's prose resonates with universal truths.

The title, "Mom Says You Need To Be Strong!" reflects not only the repeated advice she received from her own mother but also serves as a universal mantra for resilience. Aditi's personal connection to these words echoes in her mind, acting as a guiding light that inspires her to rise each time she faces challenges. It's a testament to the strength and wisdom passed down through generations, encapsulated in the pages of her book.

Writing, for Aditi, is not just a skill; it is her secret ingredient to happiness. In her world, storytelling is a powerful tool that connects people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. She firmly believes in the transformative power of narratives to inspire and empower individuals to embrace their dreams and amplify their unique voices.

Through "Mom Says You Need To Be Strong!," Aditi aspires to connect with readers on a deeper level, inviting them into the intricate web of family life and encouraging them to find strength in their own stories. Her writing is not only a means of artistic expression but also a platform for fostering positive change and leaving a lasting impact on those who engage with her work.

As Aditi looks forward to the journey ahead, she eagerly anticipates the connections she will forge with her readers. Through her stories, she aims to create a ripple effect of inspiration and empowerment, echoing the sentiment that strength lies within, waiting to be discovered and embraced by all who dare to follow their dreams.

1. What inspired you to write "Mom Says You Need To Be Strong!" and delve into the different phases of a woman's life within the context of family?

>My mind is always busy churning out new story ideas. Mom Says You Need To Be Strong was one of those moments where it just struck, and I asked my husband, Nishant, for his expert opinion. I got the green signal and just went with the flow. Everything just fell into place when I started writing my first draft.

2. How did your personal experiences as a mother, homemaker, and healthcare entrepreneur influence the stories in your collection? Were there specific moments or challenges that served as catalysts for certain narratives?

>Many of my stories are based on real-life experiences and incidents. Not just mine but many people I know. The protagonist of each chapter has a dash of my being, be it a mom, a ninth grader, a woman experiencing young love, or even a woman who is learning to wear the daughter-in-law’s hat.

3. The book spans a wide range of emotions, from raw and cruel tragedies to happy and crazy times. How do you navigate the balance between portraying the harsh realities of life and maintaining a sense of hope and inspiration in your stories?

>Each chapter has a certain challenge. It’s an eye-opener that life isn’t a bed of roses. There are always going to be ups and downs. But in the end, it’s how one who tackles it. A lot of my opinions of life have been embedded in these chapters. have lived in the character’s shoes to bring out the best, considering all options. I believe hope is a feeling of trust. There is always a silver lining after a storm.

4. Can you share a particular story from the collection that holds special significance to you? What made it stand out, and how did the writing process for that story differ from the others?

>Every chapter has a special significance. But if I had to pick, then it would be Chapter 15 - ‘The Space She Left’ - which brought tears to my eyes. I was still in the process of writing the chapters when I reached the end, and I was blank. All I knew was that in the chapter, I needed to depict the death of a grandmother. But how?

One day, I was up at five in the morning, I sat on my bed, and the idea struck. I called my mother and discussed the idea with her. She’s always been my go-to person. Her eyes were teary. I just knew that this chapter would make anyone cry. Each chapter has a diary entry by the protagonist. Only the last chapter doesn’t have a diary entry because the protagonist passes away. Rather, her grandson, Angad, finds all her journals after she dies. That’s when he realizes the actual truth and discovers so many untold stories.

5. As both a healthcare entrepreneur and a writer, do you find any parallels between these seemingly distinct roles? How do they complement or influence each other in your daily life?

>Everywhere I go, no matter who I meet, I always absorb what I see. Many incidents are written and expanded into a short story. I can cook up a story on anything and everything. So it doesn’t matter whether I’m playing the role of a healthcare entrepreneur or a mom or even if I have stepped out to buy vegetables. A writer is always a writer. I have so many untold stories to share.

6. Your mother's words have had a lasting impact on you, as evident in the title "Mom Says You Need To Be Strong!" How do these words resonate throughout the collection, and what message do you hope readers take away from them?

>Since I was a little girl, my mother’s words have ringed in my head over and over again. She always told me to hold my head high and don’t take anyone’s shit. You need to be strong! You’re a toughy! I think her words have just been rubbed on. A lot of my thought process is implemented in the characters of my story. I hope my readers have a deep home-taking and implement strength in their daily lives.

7. In your opinion, what role does storytelling play in connecting people from diverse backgrounds? How do you believe your stories contribute to fostering connections and understanding among readers?

>My stories explore themes of love, loss, identity, hope, struggle, and resilience, which are universal human experiences. Regardless of our backgrounds, we all face challenges and search for meaning in our lives. Through my narratives, I strive to create connections between readers by reminding them of our shared humanity and the common threads that bind us together.

8. Writing is your secret ingredient to happiness. How do you manage to find time for writing amid your roles as a mother and healthcare entrepreneur? What advice do you have for aspiring writers who struggle with balancing multiple responsibilities?

>If the secret ingredient to happiness is writing, then you’re definitely going to make time to write! At times, I have a very tight schedule. But either I wake up early or take out a few hours during the day to make sure that I get some writing done. Even for an hour. Yes, there are days when I don’t get that either, and believe me, those days I feel most unproductive.

9. The collection explores the entire spectrum of a woman's life, from the birth of a baby girl to the death of a grandmother. How did you approach capturing the essence of each life stage, and what challenges did you encounter in portraying such a comprehensive journey?

>To capture the essence of each life stage in the collection, I approached it with careful observation and research. I drew inspiration from the experiences of women I have known. By immersing myself in the stories of real women, I aimed to create authentic and relatable characters.

I carefully considered the nuances and complexities of each life stage, incorporating specific details and emotions that are distinct to that particular phase. I wanted to capture the growth, transformation, and evolution that occurs as women navigate through different stages of their lives.

Another challenge I faced was striking a balance between realism and optimism. While I wanted to portray the challenges and struggles that women face, I also wanted to convey a sense of resilience, hope, and empowerment. I aimed to show that despite the obstacles and hardships, there is always strength and the ability to overcome.

10. Looking forward, what do you hope to achieve with your writing? How do you envision making a positive impact on readers, and what themes or subjects are you eager to explore in your future works?

>We live in a world where people are perpetually running against time. The competition, the work targets, making ends meet, family pressure, the downside of social media, and the negative impact it has on people's lives are huge. I feel need to take a breather. People need to unwind a little every day, for a wee bit. I feel my stories can make that change. I write happy stories that give the reader a happy, fuzzy feeling. After they read my stories, their day brightens up. It's just a gentle way to make the world a better place. I regularly post short stories on my blog -


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